C++ main module for gpm Package  1.0
CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >, including all inherited members.

begin()CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
clear()CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
copy(const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< K, V > &mapCpy)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
CORE_SharedPointersVMap()CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
CORE_SharedPointersVMap(const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< K, Q > &m)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
CORE_SharedPointersVMap(const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< K, V > &m)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
currentKey() const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
currentValue() const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
currentValue()CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
exists(const Key &k) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
get(const Key &k) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
get(const Key &k)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
getClassName(const tString &identityString)CORE_Objectinlinestatic
getClassName() const CORE_Object
getIdentityString() const CORE_Objectinline
getKeys(vector< Key > &ks) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
getKeys(CORE_Vector< Key > &ks) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
getKeys(CORE_Array< Key > &ks) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
getPointerAddress() const CORE_Objectinline
getSharedPointer(SP::CORE_Object &p)CORE_Objectinline
getSharedPointer(SPC::CORE_Object &p) const CORE_Objectinline
getSize() const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
getValues(CORE_Vector< Value * > &vals) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
getValues(vector< Value * > &vals) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
getValues(CORE_SharedPointersList< const Value > &vals) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
getValues(CORE_SharedPointersList< Value > &vals)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
hasNext() const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
hasNextElement() const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
isInstanceOf() const CORE_Objectinline
merge(const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< K, V > &m)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
next(Key &k, Value *&v)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
next(Key &k, boost::shared_ptr< Value > &v)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
nextElement()CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
operator()(const Key &k) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
operator()(const Key &k)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
operator[](const Key &k) const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
operator[](const Key &k)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
outputPrint(const tString &message)CORE_Objectstatic
pointer2String(const void *obj)CORE_Objectstatic
print(ostream &out) const CORE_Objectinlinevirtual
print(const tString &message)CORE_Objectvirtual
print(const tInteger &str)CORE_Objectvirtual
print(const tRelativeInteger &str)CORE_Objectvirtual
print(const tReal &str)CORE_Objectvirtual
print(const int &str)CORE_Objectvirtual
print(ostream &out, const tString &message)CORE_Objectinlinestatic
put(const Key &k, const boost::shared_ptr< Value > &v)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
put(const Key &k, Value &v)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
put(const Key &k, Value *v)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
remove(const Key &k)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
removeValue(const Value *k)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
removeValue(const Value &k)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
removeValue(boost::shared_ptr< Value > &k)CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >
setOutput(ostream &out)CORE_Objectinlinestatic
setThis(SP::CORE_Object p)CORE_Objectinlineprotected
setType(tString type)CORE_Objectinlineprotectedvirtual
size() const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >inline
toString() const CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >virtual
~CORE_SharedPointersVMap()CORE_SharedPointersVMap< Key, Value >virtual